Inspections are conducted to ensure that nursing and midwifery training institutions, health facilities and nursing care comply with regulatory requirements.
There are several types of inspections carried out by the Council Inspectors/Officers to include:
- Compliance inspections
2. Joint inspections (with other health regulatory boards and councils)
4. Investigative inspections
5. Inspection for commencement of training programmes in nursing and midwifery institutions
6. Assessment of health facilities as clinical placement sites for nursing and midwifery programmes
7. Assessment of clinical sites for feasibility to be internship sites for BScN and BScM graduates.
Protecting the health, safety and well-being of the Kenyan population is a priority for the Nursing Council of Kenya. To this end, the Nursing Council of Kenya prescribes:
- The Code of Conduct and Ethics in training and practice among nurses and midwives in Kenya
2. Disciplinary measures and procedures for nursing and midwifery training and practice - Standards of private practice for nurses and midwives
4. Uniform, badges and insignia for various nursing and midwifery cadres
5. Standards of approval and accreditation of nursing and midwifery training institutions and programmes respectively
6. Scopes of practice for the different cadres of nurses and midwives