Accreditation of Training Institutions
The Council accredits education providers and programmes of study for the nursing and midwifery professions. We continually strive to ensure that nurses get quality education by ensuring that institutions training nurses and midwives at all levels meet the set standards for accreditation.
We have developed the Standards of Nursing Education in Kenya and the Education Policy to provide a frame of reference for the nursing and midwifery education programmes in the country in preparing safe and competent nurse and midwifery practitioners who will function effectively not only as members but also as leaders in health care delivery system.
We perform two forms of accreditation:
- Institutional accreditation
- Accreditation of programmes/courses
Any school, college or institution conducting a nursing/midwifery education program for the purpose of preparing individuals to be awarded with certificates, diploma or degree in nursing is required to seek approval from the Nursing Council of Kenya. Such approval consists of:
Initial approval: Official recognition granted for a new program after the Council conducts a visit to the institution to ascertain its readiness to admit students. Renewal: Done upon expiration of the initial approval (after 5 years). The Council shall conduct an evaluation visit to ensure that the institution continues to maintain the set standards.
Approved Training Institutions
Approved Nursing and Midwifery Programs

Institutions desiring to conduct training of nurses are required to apply in writing to the Nursing Council of Kenya and provide documented evidence in line with the guidelines pertaining to:
- The program they intend to offer
- The physical training facility in place
- The main teaching hospital and any other health facilities affiliated to the training institution which will be used for provision of additional clinical/practical experience if need arises. If these additional training institutions will be used, then there should be a signed memorandum of understanding indicating the terms of agreement. Staffing Profile
- Any other information that deemed necessary or that may be requested by the Council.