The Ministry of Health planned a verification of health facilities in
level 2, 3, 4 & 5 in all counties from
22nd January to 20th February 2019.
The Cabinet Secretary for Health,
Sicily Kariuki, appointed a Special
Committee that was jointly
coordinated by Daniel M. Yumbya,
the CEO Kenya Medical Practitioners
and Dentists Board, and Dr. Annah
Wamae, Head of Directorate of
Standards, Quality and Regulation at
the Ministry of Health to carry out
the verification.
The Special Committee has power
Boards and Councils verify health
facilities for gazzatement
to verify existing classification of
facilities using the guidelines provided
in the schedule as contained in the
Medical Practitioners and Dentists
(Medical Institution) Rules, 2017.
The exercise incorporated members
from various Councils and Boards
drawn from; Kenya Medical
Practitioners and Dentists Board,
Nursing Council of Kenya, Pharmacy
and Poisons Board, Clinical Officers
Council, Radiation Protection
Board, Laboratory Technologists and
Technician Board, and the Public
Health Officers Council
Boards and Councils verify health facilities for gazzatement